Welcome back to our fully open school! During Level 2, our school is open and fully staffed. In order to keep everyone safe, we have had to make some changes to our timings and routines. During Level 2, parents will not be entering the school grounds, our start and finish times have changed and you decide when to send your child to school. 

Please read the information below. 

Please also watch the video with your children that the very talented Mr Tamariki created. 

  • Parents do NOT need to inform the school before sending students back. As soon as you are comfortable to send your child back, you may. We respect that you know when is the best time for your child to attend.
  • If your child is sick they must stay home. Any students who appear sick at school will be sent home immediately.
  • If your child is not attending, please let your child’s classroom teacher know so that he or she can keep providing distance learning on the Google Classroom. 
  • What your child needs to bring to school: a filled water bottle (all drinking fountains are closed), enough food for the day, book bag, and a jumper (it’s getting cold). PE gear is not needed as students won’t be getting changed. Students can bring sports shoes if they like.
  • Remember the new school times. Children can’t come on to the school site until 8:30 and school will finish at 2:50. This will lessen the number of students entering and leaving from both schools at the same time. 
  • Please make sure that, when your children walk to school, they keep a safe distance from others. We will have extra teachers at the pedestrian crossing in the morning to stop crowding, but please help us out with this by staying spaced out. 
  • Parents please help us out by staying a safe distance apart outside the gates while you wait for your child. 
  • Please watch the video: https://youtu.be/Deexn3mYltQ to see which gate your child will be entering from. Please do not enter the school grounds through any other gate during Level 2.  
  • Talk to your child about where you will wait for them after school (remember you can’t come on to the school grounds). It would make things easier if you could arrange to meet them across the road to stop congestion. A great idea would be to practise this at the weekend.
  • No parents can come onto the school site. If you need to come to the office please make an appointment first. Remember, all payments can be done online. Parents can drop off and pick up their children up from Mission Kids as normal.
  • Eating and play breaks: Students will eat at their desks while being monitored by their teacher. Different year levels will have breaks at different times and be kept in separate areas of the school. Students will keep their water bottles and lunch containers in their bags for the whole day.
  • All our teachers will be on-site and students will be in their normal classrooms with their normal teacher.

Please watch the video for more information: 

Youtube link:   https://youtu.be/Deexn3mYltQ