At Mission Heights Primary School ‘Growing Excellence’ is about developing a habit; it is not a single act.
Our vision is to enable students to achieve excellence in learning and in life by providing a rigorous, engaging, challenging and future-focused curriculum. Expecting excellence for all at Mission Heights Primary School is aimed at inspiring and directing students’ best efforts within the classroom and beyond to become active, positive and productive future citizens in a rapidly changing world.
At MHP, we endeavor to create and provide a sustainable future focused environment; where we inspire our students to make wise choices and develop care, passion and respect for our nature.

We are a proud Green Gold Enviroschool because:
- At MHP, sustainability is integrated in all our teaching and learning experiences and practice, and it reflects in whatever we do within the classroom and beyond.
- Our learners are at the centre of all decision making and lead their learning at MHP. Student voice valued and is important to us.
- Our Enviro vision is deeply embedded through our actions. It is part of our culture at MHP. Our current choices and actions prepares and drives us all towards a sustainable future.
- At MHP, we empower all students to be lifelong learners and to be courageous to share their sustainable practice and knowledge with the wider community.
- At MHP, we have a strong connection with our environment and our community. We ensure that all different cultures are visible at MHP so our students feel connected and their mana is respected.
- At MHP, we care and respect our nature. We recognise the importance of our environment and understand our role as a kaitiaki. We want our role to become our everyday habit.
- At MHP, all our students are confident, risk takers, problem solvers and critical thinkers.
- At MHP, we reflect and think about the effects of our actions on the environment. We effectively carry out actions that have a positive impact on the living world around us.
- The five Guiding Principles underpins the vision and values of our school in delivering a future-focused curriculum.
Learning for Sustainability
We provide learning experiences where students explore and investigate different concepts. Our aim is to walk the talk and live our sustainable practice and vision in our daily lives!
- Repurposing the recycled materials across all learning areas.
- Creating healthy meals in Garden to Table from the garden produce.
- We have fruit trees at MHP. Fruits in school encourage healthy eating as well as using nature to learn for e.g. using lemons for science experiments and testing the pH levels.
- Our Butterfly Garden is another amazing learning space that students regularly visit to observe the life cycle of the Monarch.
- Our Enviro Team is constantly educating the school and community through videos and talks during assemblies to promote the sustainability practice.
- We have a Traffic Light Waste Management System.
- The Worm Farm and Composting System.
- We use our environment for learning all year around.